Javascript Fun !

Javascript Fun !

Write javascript using symbols only, like (_ $ [ ] { } + -).
But the code length will be huge for small script.

eg : The following code will make the alert(1);


_=""|"",__=!_+_,___=__+__,_$=__+___,_$_=_$+__,$=![]+"",$$=!""+"",$$$=[{}]+"",$_=[][""]+"",$_$={_:$$$[_$_+__]+$$$[__]+$_[__]+$[_$]+$$[_]+$$[__]+$_[_]+$$$[_$_+__]+$$[_]+$$$[__]+$$[__],_$:$[__]+$[___]+$[_$_]+$$[__]+$$[_],__:$[_]+$_[_$_+__]+$[___]+$$[_]+$[_$_]+$$[__],$_:$$[__]+$[_$_]+$$[_]+$_[_]+$$[__]+$_[__],$__:$[_$]+$[_$_]+$[___]+$[_]},$_$.$=[][$_$.__][$_$._]($_$.$_+" "+$_$.$__)(),$_$.$[$_$._$](__)

How To:

in javascript we can make alert in many way like


we can’t directly execute alert using symbols, we need window object or need to eval,
so i prepare the window object using following.

[]["filter"]["constructor"]("return self")()["alert"](1)

in this i can pass all value as string, so i prepare symbols for each chars.

""|""        // make 0
!_+_         // make 1
![]+""       // make "false" string

// if i need char a i use like this ("false")[1] = "a"

$[!_+_]      // make char a.

Another method is available, but it make more complicated to understand.
But in that only 6 symbols used. []!+()

Make Fun?

Reference :

Suresh Pandi
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