Travelling Salesman Problem using Branch and Bound Approach in PHP
Posts by: Kapil Dev

Travelling Salesman Problem using Branch and Bound Approach in PHP
Overview The problem is to find the shorter route for desired locations. let’s consider some cities you’ve to visit. you should be visit all cities once with a least cost.…
Javascript: Print content of particular div
Hey, I faced some problems in one simple task. that is print with preview a particular selection of content(div content) or the content recived via ajax. window.print(); The function print…
Group by with Order Desc in MySQL
i recently worked on auto complete records task. They expect to show auto complete results must be unique and recent records. i use following simple query with my filter. For…
Mysql count with conditions
A simple tip on mysql query for multiple counts with conditions. SELECT COUNT( * ) AS totalUsers, SUM( xu.state = "QLD" ) AS queenslandUsers FROM xxx_users AS xu